Does anybody know of good, dramatic scripts for one act plays? Something interesting, yet scandlous.?
Question by Karina: Does anybody know of good, dramatic scripts for one act plays? Something interesting, yet scandlous.?
I am participating in a one act play for our drama club. The play chosen really sucks, so I need more options to present to my director. Its a cast of basically all girls, but a play that consists with males will suffice. I just need something scandoulous. Maybe something with love and tradgedy.
Best answer:
Answer by Chloe
There are a couple good sites out there on the internet. Just look up “one act plays.”
Another thing you could present to your director is a showcase. A bunch of different scenes and/or monologues by different groups. You could have an overall theme of sorts, and each of the scenes could coincide with that theme.
This is what my drama class does all the time.
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