does anybody know where i can get some free play scripts?
Question by Scary-Screamo Chick: does anybody know where i can get some free play scripts?
me and my friend want to practice our acting skills for the upcoming school audition, but i can’t find any scripts online where i don’t have to purchase them or download them
i don’t have any money to pay for them, and i don’t want to download any viruses
so if you could give me a website you know to be safe, that would be helpful
but i perfer not having to download at all
so can you please recommend a website?
thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Dan
Your school library or local library should have plenty of scripts available. Get something that they have two copies of; or get one copy and scan the pages so you both have copies to look at at the same time.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!