Does anyone have ideas for the title of a movie I’m making ?
Question by Kevin: Does anyone have ideas for the title of a movie I’m making ?
I am making a video on diabetes for a school project. Does anyine have ideas ? I’m talking about how I became diabetic and stuff so if anyone have an idea, say it.
Right now all I have is “Diab-olic” so I am desperate for a title.
Best answer:
Answer by MystMoonstruck
When & Why?
Those were my main questions when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago. I had difficulty understanding how I could have been all right throughout 55+ years, without a single sign of diabetes, then suddenly become a diabetic. I had changed very little about my diet, which generally is healthful. In my case, it might be the result of surgery I underwent a few years ago. When I talk to others recently diagnosed, they often wonder, too, “When did it happen? When did I suddenly go from OK to diabetic?” They also want to know “Why? What did I do differently? Why did my body suddenly change in this way?”
I know: It’s not that catchy a title, but it’s what came to mind when I read your question.
I have to add that I showed none of the symptoms they tell you to watch for, so it really can be a silent disease.
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