does she have a chance of making the part in new moon?
Question by kassieee<3: does she have a chance of making the part in new moon?
okay well her name is Ashtyan (kinda like ashton but for a girl) she is my step sister and she is 14 years old. she weighs about 100 lbs and is about 5’2″
she entered herself in a contest to be in the second twilight movie called new moon. she has to make a 1 minute video of herself saying why she deserves to be in this movie. im not really sure if she has a chance of winning… i need some opinions…
here is a picture of her from about a year ago:
and this one is from about 3 or 4 months ago:
Best answer:
Answer by Greene
The only thing she could be is an extra, because she doesn’t really look like a character from new moon to play.
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