Domain Names, law on opening a same site next Door?
Question by ebookgalaxybiz: Domain Names, law on opening a same site next Door?
hi, well funny question be it or not,
ive seen a script ( which runs a web site )
there is a successfull dot com site using it ….
is there a law saying i can not open one up on a dot co dot uk ??
same site and layout as the script is sold and you just install it.
would this be breaking the law on copyright ?
i didnt make the script it is for sale on the internet
anyone can buy it
the templates are already set inside it
if i set up a site with the same name and you landed on my site instead of the .com site you would probably try logging in or sign up they are the same.
except no one has done this yet, maybe they dont know the law or have not got the script them selves like i have
Best answer:
Answer by phab_4
Not sure I understand your question, but it sounds like you wrote a script and sold it to a web site and now want to know whether you can use that same script on a competing website registered in another country?
Certainly you had to execute a licensing agreement or sale of copyright when you made the sale. That contract should address whether the sale was exclusive, etc. and whether you retain some control over your code. If it doesn’t say anything about that, or if you didn’t execute a contract, you’re probably okay doing it.
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