Downloading and editing from YouTube?
Question by : Downloading and editing from YouTube?
Alright, so I’ve got this HUGE project I’m working on that involves youtube, but I need to know the easiest and fastest way of using youtube videos.
Basically, I’m taking over 150 YouTube videos and making a sort of collage you could say of them together. Normally when I want to download a video, I use the issue with that is it takes too long having to send it from the site to your email, and then to my computer. And with 150 videos, I think I’ll pass on that option.
1) So, my question is if there is any website, or 100% FREE download program that downloads youtube easily?
2) Or is there an actual online site where I can input my videos into a sort of a database and then edit them into one, and completely online?
But I’d really like to avoid having to download every video to my computer, and then having to use Movie maker to create it because its a pain in the ass.
Even a software that has downloading capabilities and editing with Good organization would be handy!
Any suggestions would help greatly, and I appreciate your help!
Best answer:
Answer by MrBlue192
The answers to question 2 is that there is no such website.
Just get the firefox addon called download helper it is the easiest way to download videos.
You could use the youtube downloader and install it onto your pc or
If you don’t want to install anything then download it using one of these websites and edit it in WMM
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