Duo Pieces and Where to Find Them


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popular that a majority of scripts your team has stored away might be intended for Duo.  The first place your partner and you should look would be team archives.  Most team resources are well-organized and have selections that were kept becausethey were intended to be used for competition.  Try to look for something that was not used the year or so before (to be “original” and somewhat fresh).

Library. Hit the stacks!  Most Duos are found in scripts and many libraries have a HUGE selection of scripts to sift through.  The best incentives to take a trip to the library include: everything you want is well labeled, items are placed together, comfy chairs, helpful librarians, and it’s free (aside from minimal copy costs)!  Even if you choose to not look at scripts, Duos can be any published source, and a library will offer you thousands of PUBLISHED

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