Duo Pieces and Where to Find Them


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poetry, or any other printed-published materials.”  Ergo, you do not need to restrict yourself to plays.  If you felt inclined you could perform one of Plato’s dialogues.  You could use an interview for your text.  As long as it is printed, if you can use it as dialogue you’ve found a piece.

Think About Movies. Most movies were inspired by a play, novel, or short story.  If there is a movie you adore why not look to see if it is based off of printed material?  Avoid anything too well known and realize you must use the published version, not the film adaptation.

With this list a Duo piece is something you will not be searching for, for much longer.  You will have to read and do detective work, but at least the strain of being overwhelmed on not knowing where to begin has been removed.  Work your Duo partnership and divide

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