DVD Shopping Bag: Sharktopus Blu-ray

DVD Shopping Bag: Sharktopus Blu-ray
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2011 Wimbledon Tennis Finals Available In 3D
This years edition of the oldest tennis championship of the world, Wimbledon 2011, will take on some new technology as the 2011 finals will be filmed using 3D technology and then streamed live across the globe in high definition 3D to theaters that are 3D ready. (…)Read the rest of 2011 Wimbledon Tennis Finals Available […]
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AnyClip Licenses Universal Movies, Makes Them Smaller and Searchable
Wanting to find that exact clip from Jaws for your Facebook page? What about that perfect moment from Mamma Mia? Well, they’ll both soon be not only available, but increasingly easy to find; Universal has become the first major movie studio to license parts of its library to AnyClip, a company that specializes in digitalizing […]
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