Eagle vs. Shark — A Fun Romp
Eagle vs. Shark — A Fun Romp
Eagle vs. Shark a New Zealand’s bears little resemblance to Napoleon Dynamite. Whereas the direction in the latter was amateurish and dull, here, director Taika Waititi creates an excitingly movie. Stop-motion animation come into play every now and again, imitating the action on film, and is charming. Never are we bored because Cohen’s direction is as deft and as delicious as the Moo Burgers Lily sells as the film begins. Forget Dynamite. This film is far more explosive!
Indeed, Eagle vs. Shark has two very quirky people you come to love. They’re just plain fun. They’re also intelligent in a dorky sort of way, making them even more endearing. First, we have Jarrod, played brilliantly by Eagle vs. Shark. And don’t expect Napoleon Dynamite. Expect
something far superior.
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Jake Scully is a film expert with a BA in film theory.
Article from articlesbase.com