Easiest, fastes and most effective way to make a movie/clip from several video files?
Question by StiG: Easiest, fastes and most effective way to make a movie/clip from several video files?
I am looking for a movie making program (for windows) that is as simple as possible and makes the job done. Yes i know that you’ll start suggesting windows movie makes but on Windows 7 i really don’t like it. Even the storyline in not as it should be. (on windows XP it was way better) but anyway… I need something like imovie for mac that is not super hard to understand and operate like Final Cut pro, Magix Movie Edit etc, but also have some good functionalities . basically for my project i need several parts from a various video clips, take those parts, make them into one movie and put some music. No effects, no many fancy stuff, etc. Just something like imovie. But the things is that the parts that i need to extract are from a movie files that are more than 1 hour long and in windows live movie maker it’s pain to do that so i would be greatful if you suggest me something that will work well on windows. It;s not necessary to be free. I know that i can google it but i don’t have time to search it now.
Best answer:
Answer by Asker
The best option for you is to download XP mode on Virtual PC from Microsoft. The link is http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx . It is free and you can use the ‘XP Movie Maker’.
Since you only need a software this one time, theres no use buying an expensive video editing software and you will not be comfortable using the free/open source softwares if you did not feel comfortable with Windows Live Movie Maker.
Another reason I suggested this is that usually there are some people who take time to adjust to a new OS and it seems like you are one of them so you might feel the need for XP mode for other things as well.
Best of luck.
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