Eminem — Cleanin’ Out My Closet [Sims 2 Video] HD
WATCH IN HD FOR BEST RESULTS! Disclaimer: Copyright infringement not intended! All copyrighted material found in this video belongs to its respective owners. Can’t believe it’s been a whole year since my last upload, but I’m back & I do have more stuff planned for the future so please stay tuned. I wanna thank all my subscribers who have been tuning in throughout my career as a sim video director.. I think this video really shows how far I’ve come & I’m really proud of it. I learned alot while making this video & that will in turn make all my future projects even better. I just hope it entertains you. Thanks for watching!! — sliim.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This Love- The Veronicas My first video…ENJOY!!! Made with The Sims 2 A big thanks to dasnita777 who helped me to make this video. OK…. now to help stop the confusion in this video I’m gonna answer the question everybody seems to ask. To tell you the truth I didn’t think about how she got sick only that she did. So use your imaginaation and decide for yourself how she got sick. Thanks… Oh and the custom content was mostly found at modthesims.