Five Tips for Higher ROI TV Commercials
Five Tips for Higher ROI TV Commercials
Article by Susanne Bernard
Five Tips for Higher ROI TV Commercials – Advertising
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TV commercials can be an extremely cost effective, high return advertising medium, but there are some pitfalls to avoid. A successful TV campaign does not need to break the bank, nor take unnecessary risks. Here are five tips to having a successful, high ROI TV commercial…
Will the Product or Service Sell Well on TV?
Start out by determining if the product or service being offered will actually sell well on TV. Some do better than others, and some just don’t connect well with TV viewers. Finding this out before spending TV production and placement funds is quite critical. A reputable TV production company and media buyer will help determine how well a product or service will connect with the TV viewer and sell via TV spot placement.
Quality Script
Well written and planned scripts, as well as production, make for a successful TV commercial. It is money well worth spent having a professional and experienced TV production company write ad scripts and carefully plan out in detail how to produce the commercial. Come production day, the TV commercial will shoot much better and much more economically. The effectiveness of a TV commercial starts with the script.
Quality Message
Understand what the message will be, and how to get it across. Having only 30 seconds demands coming up with a unified message that engrosses the viewer and calls that viewer to take action. Work with a TV production company to determine the message to convey- then ensure that message it put forth in the TV commercial script. The message and script need to correlate well.
Intrigue and Interest the Viewer
The script and message behind a TV commercial need to grab the attention of the viewer, compelling the viewer to want to find out more and take action. A TV commercial does not need to be a hard sell. Rather, it needs to get the phone ringing and the email inquiries flowing so a company is in good position to sell more customers. Interest the viewer just enough to make that first move, then the rest is up to the sales process.
Make a Few Versions
If the production and script of a TV commercial is well planned, several versions of a commercial can be made in a day of production. This way production costs are minimized, and the ROI for the commercial is not hindered by excessive and wasteful TV production. Different versions allow for more flexibility down the road as various targeted audiences will respond differently to TV commercials. Cover your bases early on in the TV commercial production for maximum ROI later.
About the Author
Susanne Bernard is a writer who specializes in writing articles and blog posts for small to mid-sized businesses. Susanne also provides search engine optimization services and can be reached at
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