Foreign subtitles vs foreign dubbing?

Question by : Foreign subtitles vs foreign dubbing?
I decided to learn a foreign language cause i will probably need to study abroad :\… I know the basics and i wondered what’s best?
setting a movie with the sound in english and subtitles in foreign language? or the opposite?

cause i think that by using foreign language’s subtitles you can learn the grammar and actually see (in case you pause the movie every second)

and by using dubbing you learn to recognize words and it makes the language make sense…

although i studied english the best when i saw movies without any subtitles – and i understand english very well. But as you can see – I don’t really good at grammar :S (105 misspellings!)

SO what do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by zirp
native subtitles, definitely. I learnt tons of words by watching german/english movies with good(!) dutch subtitles. I don’t see the point in dubbing (unless you target people who can’t read, like children or visually impaired). Hearing the language as its supposed to be spoken will help you get grammar and vocabulary better than having the speech in your own language and the subtitles in the studied one.

If you want to learn the spelling you’re better off with books – you can read them at your own pace 🙂

btw don’t worry about the spelling – sometimes yahoo-spellcheck applies the wrong language.

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