Gambit In Other Media


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Gambit In Other Media


X-Men: Animated Series

Gambit’s appearance in the 1990’s X-Men series

Gambit was one of the starring X-Men characters in the X-Men animated television series of the 1990s, in which he was voiced by Chris Potter until Potter left in 1996 and was replaced by Tony Daniels until the series ended. In Slave Island, when Gambit, Jubilee and Storm were captured by Sentinels, he pretends to abandon the captured mutants, but only to escape and return to rescue them. One particular episodeTemplate:Days of the future past 1&2 (first season) features the time traveler Bishop. He accuses Gambit of betraying the X-Men by assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. The traitor is revealed to be the shapeshifting Mystique disguised as Gambit. This episode was clearly modeled after a combination of the Days of Future Past story arc (in

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