Gambit In Other Media


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hotel/casino in New Orleans, fighting off Col. Stryker’s soldiers and four-armed, blade-wielding, female mutants who work for Gambit.


Gambit has had many action figures produced of him since his comic debut, the first being released less than a year after his first appearance.

The first was released in 1992 in Toy Biz’s X-Men toy line. He featured a removable plastic trench coat, staff, and had a kicking action feature when a button on his back was pressed. This figure was re-released in the first X-Men Classics line.

The second Gambit figure had a much better sculpt[citation needed], and had a non-removable vinyl trench coat. He also came with his trademark staff, and also had an action feature. This time it was a light-up feature, with which he could appear to be throwing several playing cards. This version also had a

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