Getting Into the Movies – Get the Look


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Constance Talmadge, Mary Pickford, and dozens of others have risen from these mob scenes. Their faces, even when seen among hundreds of others, attracted instant attention. Perhaps it was natural beauty. Perhaps, too, they had, by accident or design, solved at the start the great problem which confronts all movie actors, that of finding the correct make-up.

Movie make-up strives only for a photographic 17 effect and has no relation to street or stage make-up.

Almost every face contains numerous imperfections which are invisible to the eye, yet which, when enlarged many times on the screen, are very obvious. There are fundamental rules of make-up, but the only way to perfect your technique is by constantly viewing your own “stills” and movies, and changing your make-up to the best advantage. Red photographs black, and for this reason rouge is

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