Going to Junior year- no friends- how do I make friends?
Question by : Going to Junior year- no friends- how do I make friends?
i did have friends in sophomore year, just not friends i hung out at lunch. i hung out with a few ppl out of school and some people i hung with at lunch. but i only hang out with one girl at lunch, she is my best friend, but i hate her because she’s a two-faced wack face and i hate her. she was fake, and next year i just dont want to deal with her because shes not who she says she is- which is a liar, manipulator, liar, more of a manipulator.
anyhow, i have another best friend who used to hang with us, she left because she got annoyed and felt intimidated around that friend, so she just started sitting with some friends she had in other classes. i dont want to go and cling on to her, because it would feel like im following her, but, at the same time i want people to hang out with. and anyways, my school is sort of cliquey. people only become popular if you’re pretty or just… have genuine qualities. i mean people say i’m funny when i want to be but i get scared around people who are of a higher status then me. honestly, when i was tired of that friend i hung out with or felt annoyed i went to the library during lunch to finish homework, and then usually during the weekend i ignored her calls and went on y!a or tumblr or some sh*t, so i never really had a “life”, unless my other best friend called me or if an old friend wanted to watch a movie or something.
im not the best at conversation, or even talking or communicating- like i know the basics, be nice, ask questions about themselves, keep on adding to what you’re saying, and i mean just be calm, don’t be yourself until you actually get to know the person (my mother told me those tips). but, i dont know, maybe they work or maybe they dont? i mean i talk to people and ask a lot of questions to make the convo go on yet sometimes i feel like they’re being interrogated rather than talked to, which is a bad feeling i don’t want them to feel.
so, long story short, how can i become that girl that people want to be friends with? and make friends in my classes? because, basically, whenever im in class, i either sit with some like… person i dont know or some person whose irritating. its like, i try to talk, but it just becomes a mess! and i dont want to be that loner girl that walks around all of lunch or eats her lunch in the bathroom, or that girl that just makes an annoying fool out of herself. how can i have/make friends to hang out with during the weekends and at lunch?
Best answer:
Answer by Super Mushroom
I will super size the amount of friends you have
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