Google I/O 2010 – Google Chrome’s developer tools

Google I/O 2010 – Google Chrome’s developer tools Chrome 101 Pavel Feldman, Anders Sandholm In this session we’ll give an overview of Developer Tools for Google Chrome that is a part of the standard Chrome distribution. Chrome Developer Tools allow inspecting, debugging and tuning the web applications and many more. In addition to this overview we would like to share some implementation details of the Developer Tools features and call for your contribution. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to
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After the huge success of the Sling-X-Bow, The Slingshot Channel received many requests for a how-to video tutorial. Making this powerful and accurate weapon without welding and turning gear meant a total redesign of the construction, which took a while. The outcome is spectacular: Entirely out of wood and off-the-shelf screws, everybody with basic tools and skills can follow these instruction. The video contains a shot at sheep shoulderblade bones that are attached to a cat food can. See the bullet smashing through both the bones and the cans! The blueprints for the board cutouts can be downloaded from here: Good luck!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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