Has anyone heard of a movie or book with this plot?

Question by Ginger: Has anyone heard of a movie or book with this plot?
I’m just wondering b/c I had a crazy dream and unless I had a past life experience in my dream I’ve sent it or maybe it was a book. But heres the basics
This girl and boy are about two years apart, they grow up together as best friends till the boys parents move him away when he is about 10, he makes her a little tiny wooden rose that she turns into a necklace..Flashforward a few year maybe 10 (unsure remember this is a dream) and the girl is a concentration camp and the soliders are going around pickng out the girls they want to rape. When one notices the wooden rose and tells the guy that has her that she wants her, apparently he out ranks the guy b/c he throws her down on the ground and when the two are alone he ask her if she grew up in “some village” and ask her about the rose. From that point, he tries to figure out a way to help her ecaspe so they can be together. The night they escape its snoking or raining ashes (not sure which) and they are being chased, she gets shot and is looking up at him telling him she loves him, Then I woke up..So I’m wondering if anyone has heard of anything with this kinda plot b/c my dream befinatly has me me intrested thanks in advance.
I think it would make a great book too, thats why I was asking..Now if I only had the time.

Best answer:

Answer by Nicee:)
Nope nuthing that ive read or saw…
but OMG i loved it:D i wanted to read on&on.
i love love,love stories<3 if i were yuu i wud make a novel about this. hey stephanie meyer had the same excet thing happen to her with edward&bella in a dream,&look at her now;] shes basically shit*ing money lol.

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