Help with making sims 2 video on movie maker?
Question by manta.panda: Help with making sims 2 video on movie maker?
Ok I filmed some fotage on sims 2 and uploaded it onto windows movie maker and started to put the clips together I havn’t even got halfway through the song and the clips now frezze up it wont play the whole way through on movie maker and I didn’t know why this was. When I was in Sims I recorded with the camera size large and hight uncompressed graphics but If I make the screen any smaller It will look way to small on youtube. I need some help from people who have used movie maker before and then uploaded on you tube, how can I get it no pause and to run smothly but also be able to have a full song of clips. Oh also I did turn the sound off while recording because I knew that would take up extra space. Just wondering what you guys do to make it work?
Sorry about the bad grammer I just now read what I wrote and yeah I am very tierd and didn’t pre-read. Hope its still understandable
The files where fine by them selves now that I put so many together there frozen choppy and yucky errgg I did all the filming and really don’t want to do it all over again but maybe I will have to
Best answer:
Answer by Joey Kun miss you
what are the source files like? are they freezy also? maybe movie maker is crashing because the files are too big, or maybe theres something wrong with them to begin with. i recomend using medium on all the settings, thats what i do. youtube wud just compress it when u uploaded it aneyways. an in game play is choppy when u record on high ♥ i hope it works out
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