Here is Your Key on How to Succeed in Network Marketing Or MLM


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Here is Your Key on How to Succeed in Network Marketing Or MLM

How many times have you heard the story about the guy who buys the “Get Rich In Real Estate” home study course from a late night TV infomercial? Perhaps he’d gotten a jolt of inspiration, purchased the course and subsequently goes on to never making a dime in real estate. Or what about the story of the person who’s all gung-ho about losing weight so she goes out and buys the hottest new piece of exercise equipment. Alas, the equipment goes unused and eventually sits in the corner with clothes draped all over it.

Did either of these two people fail at what they initially set out to accomplish or did they give up before making their visions a reality? Is the first guy justified if he goes out and tells his friends that real estate investing doesn’t work? Is it OK for the second person to claim that diet and exercise does not help weight loss?


Obviously, real estate investing did not fail the first guy just as the piece of exercise equipment did not fail the second person. Both of these people had failed themselves because they both gave up too quickly.

There’s a definite and distinct difference between failing and giving up. It’s important that you understand the difference between the two if you ever hope to accomplish anything in this lifetime of yours.

Have you ever heard the real story of Sylvester Stallone’s rise to Hollywood stardom? Stallone was as poor as poor could be but absolutely refused to give up on his dream. Shortly before writing the script for his first “Rocky” movie he literally sold his dog – his beloved best friend – for because he was just that broke. As the story goes, Stallone refused several offers to sell his “Rocky” script outright because he WAS


Rocky. Either he would act in the starring role or the movie would not be made…period.

The rest of the story is Hollywood history and we all know what kind of a movie icon Sylvester Stallone went on to become. Stallone did fail a countless number of times but he finally did succeed because he refused to quit.

This is one glaring example of what we see going on around us all the time. Be it in our personal or professional lives, the majority of our population is all too willing to throw in the towel if things don’t work out right away. By our very nature as human beings, we are wired to take the path of least resistance. That path often leads to giving up long before we’ve given something an honest attempt – sometimes multiple attempts.

And so it is with network marketing.

Statistics tell us that 95% of the


people who start an MLM business “fail”. It would be far more apropos to say that 95% give up. And, not to sound like your mother or your third grade gym teacher, but a quitter will never win.

With the information I’ve given you in prior articles, you should now able to make an educated decision on both getting started in network marketing and what type of a company to represent. If, after reading this article series and you engage in an MLM opportunity and you go nowhere with it, I strongly suggest you do a good bit of soul searching. Did the MLM industry fail you or did you fail yourself? Are you going to hide behind the excuse that MLM just doesn’t work?

Let me say this, and I attribute this quote to T. Harv Eker: how you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERYTHING. Meaning, if you quite on something and then claim it doesn’t work, the same result


will occur regardless of what you choose to pursue. Whether it’s real estate investing, dieting, lowering your golf score – whatever – you will always throw in the towel then make the claim that “it doesn’t work”. And truthfully, this response is a defense mechanism. Nobody wants to admit that they’ve failed or quit. So, by saying “it doesn’t work”, you’re making yourself feel OK about your lack of good results.

In a previous article I made the point that weak efforts will always bring about weak results. There’s just no way around this; it’s what can be called a universal law. Nobody has ever achieved anything, and never will, on a half-hearted attempt.

Should you get involved in network marketing with a goal of being successful, prepare yourself to put forth the required effort. A point I made in a previous article is worthy of reiteration:


the name of this industry is net-WORK marketing, it’s not net-SIT-ON-YOUR-BUTT-AND-DO-NOTHING marketing. This is your BUSINESS, treat it like a business. If you think that you can get involved in a business of any kind and things will somehow magically work out then you’re in for some major disappointment.

Succeeding at anything demands that you acquire the proper skills to do so. Do you want to lower your golf score? Then read more books and articles on how to play better golf and practice what you learn. Do you want to get into better shape? Then learn a thing or two about good nutrition and get serious about your exercise regimen. Do you want to succeed in your network marketing business? Then learn the required business skills and put them to use consistently.

A final note: not only do you want to learn the skills required to achieve more


in whatever areas you choose, but make learning new skills a habit. Never stagnate. Never sit on your laurels so to speak. There are always new skills you can learn to get better at whatever it is you choose to do. For specific information on how to succeed at MLM regardless of your past experience, please visit today. 914-525-2487 Dan is Founder and President of Lets Get Back To Business dot com, located in White Plains, NY. Dan has been a serial entrepreneur for the better part of his adult life and has worked tirelessly at building businesses. His latest endeavor is a web site centered around providing free resources to help others build a successful business

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