Hey, Soul Sister (Lyrics)

EDIT AGAIN: (5-10-10) Well, folks, I have no other place to post this, so. I’ve had many a request made, and trust me, even though Imma slacker, they’re getting finished as I type. I wish. The videos and songs requested here about three months back will be born…soon. My Windows Movie Maker isn’t cooporating right now and it’s irking me. Videos shall be posted here as soon as I’m done with counseling my Computer. EDIT 2-7-10- Wow! Almost 80000 views! That’s great!! Thank you all so much!!! Check out some other videos of mine and keep in mind that if want a song up here, just message me a request and I’ll see what I can do! 😀 EDIT: Woah, wait, what? Over one thousand views?…weird. I look one day and it says sixteen, I look again and it’s over four thousand. Cool! Thanks a lot and there are more vids on the way! The lyrics to the song Hey, Soul Sister by Train. I usually don’t like this kind of music, but this is a catchy song. I’ll probably do more videos like this till I get Sony Vegas, so if you have a song and you want lyrics to it, I’ll take requests….made with Windows Movie Maker, TRY to enjoy. If you comment, comment about the video or the song, not about your…Great Uncle Earl’s sick goat or something. (C) to all original artist; I own nothing

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