How Addiction Creeps In


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How Addiction Creeps In

You first light up a cigarette when you are in your teens. You would think that you were invincible and knew you could quit the habit any time. Any way, the very first puff tasted awful but there was a certain kick to it; your pulse raced and it took you into that elite group at college that appeared to others as one consisting of people who live on the edge. Very soon, the act of smoking began to feel as natural as breathing in and breathing out.

Now, to the present; decades later you have grown much older and wiser, and you are desperate to quit. Also, you tend to worry more about your own children. Now, look back; what happened during those first thrilling rendezvous with tobacco cigarettes?

Simply put a dangerous and unhealthy combination of peer pressure and seductive advertisements lured you into taking your first puff. Then, nicotine


took over the whole affair. Nicotine is considered a psycho active drug. In other words it affects the human being’s brain chemistry. In fact, it makes its way into the human brain in less than ten seconds after a person draws tobacco smoke into his lungs. There it sets the neurotransmitters in one’s brain dancing. A prompt release of over 220 chemicals including dopamine, serotonin and endorphins contributes to the enhancement in mood levels when you get your dose of fix. But that is not all. Nicotine actually results in the increases in the uptake of glucose by the brain. The end result is a feeling of clarity and increased concentration which makes tobacco cigarette smoking very much appealing.

When these are combined together with adrenaline, the flight or fight hormone, along with the situation of a suppression of insulin which eventually leads to a rise in the


blood sugar levels, what you get will be a pretty powerful stimulant that gives an instant high for the user. So how does a person get addicted? Researchers and scientists have found out that addiction is generally a four-stage procedure. The first part is called as seduction. The example is the advertising and peer pressure mentioned above somewhere. There is also a strong urge to follow the tough handsome guys’ foot steps or the seductive vamps in the old movies that are always portrayed with a branded cigarette in their hands.

This stage is followed by some experimentation as you take your first tentative tobacco cigarette puffs and join the elite group that flaunts its independence. In no time, for many, cigarette smoking becomes a regular activity, though in a limited way. After school, the tobacco cigarette smoking rituals forge strong bonds between budding


addicts who mock their timid peers who are afraid to join the group. . It has been estimated that the teen smokers who finally succeed in quitting the habit some time later in life would have smoked for an average of 20 years before kicking the habit. Knowing more about the addiction process can alert you to the dangerous potholes involved in the habit of smoking cigarettes.

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