How are they going to make “New Moon” as popular as “Twilight”?
Question by Leah~Ariana is due Oct. 09~: How are they going to make “New Moon” as popular as “Twilight”?
Since if they follow the book at all when making the movie, then Edward isn’t in the majority of it and that is definitely one of the main reasons for Twilight’s popularity. I was just wondering this, because I just recently finished reading New Moon and got disappointed and bored (and even kind of depressed like Bella, LOL) throughout because he wasn’t there…
Yeah, I wasn’t overly impressed with the movie either. I’m a little older than most of the avid Twilight/Edward fans (23) but my favorite part of the book was still the intense romance between him and Bella…by the end of it I was half in love with him myself, I’m not gonna lie…and I think the movie didn’t live up to it. They have chemistry, no doubt, but the scene in the meadow was a disappointment to me. Not nearly as sexually charged as in the book.
Best answer:
Answer by Becca
well, do you remember when Bella hears Edwards voice? In the movie, they are going to put in Edward’s body with the voice, like Bella is seeing him, not just hearing him. So Edward is still going to be in the movie. =]
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