How Are You Handling Your Leads? Use Powerful Interest Piquing Sales In Minutes To Sell
How Are You Handling Your Leads? Use Powerful Interest Piquing Sales In Minutes To Sell
Generating leads is at the core of any business. Whether this means getting people to come into your store or getting your phone to ring, leads are essential. When you have leads you have choices. With enough leads you don’t have to work with the customer that you don’t want, you can kick them to the curb because there are plenty more coming!
Having a huge volume of leads is just part of the equation. With the right marketing you can have you store filled with eager prospects daily. Even the cheapest of marketing can make your phone ring constantly. The key question to ask yourself when the leads are pouring in, is what are you doing with them?
Some business owners blame their sales on “bad leads”. Other sales professionals blame the prospect with famous lines like “they weren’t motivated” or “they wouldn’t buy from anyone”. While the
majority of leads won’t work out in any business, I would challenge you that the first few minutes of how you handle your lead will dictate your results.
Handling leads with care, confidence, and the right attitude will result in massive sales. The wrong approach will leave you shrugging your shoulders thinking it was a bad lead. Consider the following sales scripts to take your leads from prospects to sales in minutes.
Scenario: A prospect calls from your marketing. It doesn’t matter if it’s from a magazine ad, your website, or a postcard.
Interest Piquing Question: Have you just started looking for “X”?
You will get them to agree with you nearly immediately. Of course they have just started looking, otherwise they wouldn’t be calling! I don’t care if they have been looking for a month, or a few weeks, they need help or they wouldn’t be
calling. You can get your prospect to acknowledge you as a source for information from minute one with just that simple question.
Scenario: A prospect comes into your store. It doesn’t matter what you sell from televisions to clothing.
Interest Piquing Question: How can I help you with your goal today?
Notice you can still use the word “help”, but now you have context for it. The open ended question of “how can I help you?” is far too broad because people will respond with “I’m just looking”. By simply mentioning the word “goal” you put them in the frame of mind that they are there to accomplish something!
From foot traffic to phone calls you can get more from your leads with the right approach in the first few minutes. Help your prospects take action by giving them the opportunity to see you as someone who provides value and isn’t trying to
“sell” them anything.
Discover 67 interest piquing questions that can be used anywhere in sales. In a free 5 day video powered course (yes you can skip ahead) you will get the questions that will double your sales. Dive in today –
Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.
His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.
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