How Budget Strangulation in Independent Cinema can Create Orgasmic Returns
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to deduce that in “independent” cinema, this trend is also occurring. Therefore I see a need to create models where cast and crewmembers alike share in the relative risks and rewards of creating an independent film.
Robert Connelly, in his white paper, Embracing Innovation: a new methodology for feature film production in Australia, states that, “In order to negotiate a workable industrial model for wages on lower budget films we need to find a reasonable combination of award minimums and a meaningful share of the film’s income,” and while this is a common contract arrangement for ‘above the line’ creatives, this structure could be implemented for ‘below the line’ crew members as well, and fits the road map for independent film creation.
5. Plan to Involve the Communities in which you Work
It’s hard to place a price tag on the value of
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