How Budget Strangulation in Independent Cinema can Create Orgasmic Returns
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have run into the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.
In the end, all it cost me was a thank you letter and a copy of the DVD, sent to the Council. Her reply to my thank you letter was “no… THANK YOU! I never knew what went into making a film, and now I’ve had the chance to see what goes on behind the scenes. It was such a great experience. We just watched it in the office here, and everyone loved it… Well done!”
This is just a small example of how community involvement can be a mutually beneficial addition to any film’s resource base, particularly if shooting in rural or small communities where a film can make a big impact, socially, culturally and economically.
6. Make Use of Available Resources
With all the social networking, and Internet connectivity at the fingertips of the contemporary filmmaker, it opens up a variety
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