How Budget Strangulation in Independent Cinema can Create Orgasmic Returns
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energizing the process. Don’t let a week go by without achieving something, no matter how small the victory. Call a production designer. Go to a bookstore and collect reference images. Watch films that move you and break them down. Read the script. Make notes. Read the script again. Map the emotional arc of the film. Find the drama in every scene. Take photographs of things that inspire you. Go to an art gallery and find an artist who makes you feel like you want your film to make people feel. Read the script. Buy a box of crayons and find your colour palette. Find musical references for your film. Stop people in the street and pitch your film to them. Call an editor and get their perspective on pacing. Read about independent filmmakers who are making films and how they are doing it. Tattoo the title of your film on your arse. Get inspired.
I am an independent
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