How Budget Strangulation in Independent Cinema can Create Orgasmic Returns
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how independent workers are transforming the way we live, 2nd Edition. New York, NY. Warner Books, 2007.
[8] Lowenstein, Stephen. My First Movie: Twenty Celebrated Directors Talk about Their First Film. New York, NY. Pantheon Books. 2000.
Born in Seattle, Jim Lounsbury grew up telling stories through pictures. Straight out of high school, he began taking photos for the Chattanooga Times and soon joined the theatre company Destiné as a player, and travelled the South-Western United States, writing and performing stage plays from 1993 – 1995.
In 1999 he moved to Australia for love, and began working as a film director and writing about himself in the third person.
Co-founder of production company eponine ( ) Jim is passionate about telling bold stories that have the lasting quality of truthful observation. His work has played at numerous International Film Festivals.
Jim lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife Lynnette, and two sons, Tenzin and Finnian.
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