How can I improve concentration issue at work place and with fictional work?
Question by Sanjeev: How can I improve concentration issue at work place and with fictional work?
Well I am pretty good software professional, and managing my work OK-2. I would like to know on following fronts:
1. I take interest in reading newspapers articles, and understand them well for 2 reasons: first they are short; and not much to imagination; however, I lose concentration while watching thrillers and fictional novels because those movies/novels need much of connection to previous storyline.
2. Recently I met a psychologist also. She asked if I was like this and I said “yes” for quite sometime, but Internet has aggravated this issue to a great extent.
3. I am sure I have short span focus issue because I tend to browse internet for no reason, like visiting this yahoo answer website during my office hours.
4. While listening to someone in person meeting, my mind also wanders somewhere else. It really makes me feel bad when I meet professionals for a piece of advice such as doctor, financial experts et al.
Best answer:
Answer by 3kangelt80
ADD? You can’t pay attention in meetings or watch movies because they don’t hold your interest.
I can’t imagine though all you have around you is boring people, boring stories, boring work…but maybe you do.
Get out more and do more of what you enjoy so the tolerance of these other things are more temporary than how you live your life.
I’m sorry, but I have no idea really how to help or what to tell you. I wish I could!
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