How Can I Sell My Script Treatment?
Question by Krispy_Dude: How Can I Sell My Script Treatment?
I Have Been Trying Alot of Directors/Producers/Companies…but alot aren’t replying, or some are saying i need to be solicited or need to sign a release or stuff…any recomendations, or any one know any directors or producers that are looking?
How do i get solictied?
Best answer:
Answer by theoriginalimac
unsolicited scripts are nigh on impossible to have seen let alone sold. it’s a long process of getting to know people and you do that by attending fuctions, seminars and meetings involving screenwriting and performance.
i would suggest looking at diablo cody’s career so far and blog as much as possible. work on getting a strong readership and reputation.
as it stands, people are simply not interested.
alternately, you could find a like minded up-and-coming friend how directs and work together yourselves. hollywood is littered with these sorts of stories from people like sam raimi and cody of course.
good luck and i hope it helps.
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