HOW CAN PROFESSIONAL MOVIES (such as daredevil, X-men, or any other ‘Hollywood’ movie) PLAY ON ANY DVD PLAYER?
Question by Mitch Spicer: HOW CAN PROFESSIONAL MOVIES (such as daredevil, X-men, or any other ‘Hollywood’ movie) PLAY ON ANY DVD PLAYER?
Two friends, and myself, have somewhat of a small video business, making videos for small performances, shows, or businesses in our area. We all have limited knowledge as of now of it all, and would like to learn more…
We have had problems with burning discs and compatibility issues, when our DVDs have been distributed, and it is embarrassing for a customer to call and tell us that our product does not work! SO, we would not like this to happen again.
What technology do big, Hollywood companies use so that their movies are able to play on any type of DVD player, computer, or otherwise, and is this technology available and affordable?
Please, help us expand our knowledge by telling us any hardware, software, or tricks/techniques we must know for this sort of problem.
I should have mentioned that… We bought Adobe’s Production Premium, so we use Encore to burn our discs. I guess my question is, do we need a better burner, better (or different) disc media, or do we need to encode our files or something?
Detail would be highly appreciated!
Yea, were not stupid! We’ve done a few jobs, but the whole problem is that SOME DVD PLAYERS are not COMPATIBLE with either DVD+R or DVD-R! Some do play both, but some are created to only play either +R or -R.
BUT Hollywood-Level DVDs CAN PLAY ON EITHER ONE. This is the dilemma.
When a Hollywood-Level DVD is played in a PS3, it shows up as a DVD-ROM, but when we burn a DVD, it shows up as a format of either DVD+R or DVD-R.
SO, again, there IS either a different type of hardware (dvd burner), or a different program used to encode the DVD files, or different types of discs, or SOMETHING that these Hollywood movies has or uses that we don’t (yet or ever) as a business.
So my question, again, is how can create a disc that can play on all formats of DVD players.
*Maybe it has something to do with the DVD-ROM versus DVD+R or DVD-R. I was told this has nothing to do with it, I suspect that it does, but I don’t know, and that’s why I posted this on yahoo answers!
Best answer:
Answer by KARAN
Which software you guys use to burn your DVD’s, if u burn them with correct tools then it should work with any basic dvd player. If u don’t have a special tool for burning then even the built in dvd maker tool in vista can help you. If you don’t have vista then having nero might help.
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