How do I become a movie extra?
Question by weathe52: How do I become a movie extra?
I live in the NY area so it would seem that it would be easy to find work as a movie extra, but I have NO idea where to start. I have NO experience and I keep coming across websites that make you pay for profiles. Are these legit? Can anyone recommend a creditable source to list myself for work. I dont mind paying (a little) for a profile as long as the site is legit and can actually get me work. If you know of any other options, please let me know! Thanks!!!
Best answer:
Answer by earth_angelus
You go to Central Casting
Show up at the correct day and time for non-union actors, have all your paperwork filled out and take a pen, a pencil and something to write on with you. They only take new registrations two days a week, but they are the oldest most legit organization out there. All major productions go to central casting! There is a small fee for taking your picture etc, but it is optional, not mandatory.
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