How do I create a page easily?
Question by rickyelmen: How do I create a page easily?
Alright so I REALLY want to create a skateboard deck design site, we design skateboards and sell them and SO.. Well.. Say I already have a home template, I want to EASILY make new pages with the same layout, images, and css. I don’t like having to copy and paste the code and edit everything I need to edit.
I just want to easily make another page which displays another deck and so on.. How do I do this? Is there a script for this?
PLEASE HELP, I can’t waste any money atm so I can’t buy scripts or programs.
Bald Guy, thanks so much I will test it out right away!
Best answer:
Answer by Old Fat Bald Guy
The solution to your problem might be the free web design software Nvu, pronounced “EN-vyoo.”
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