how do i do this on windows vista movie maker?!!?! HELP and also i need a suggestion for………….PLZ REAd!?

Question by pancake <3: how do i do this on windows vista movie maker?!!?! HELP and also i need a suggestion for………….PLZ REAd!?
okay so im using windows movie maker to make a video and i have a few questions

(im 13 btw and dont know crap about makin vids)

well anyways so if i have a video camera how can i import the video from that camera to windows vista movie player?

and if i take a video on my digital camera how to i import it?

also when you use “timeline” and you put music on the video and lets say its a slideshow,and when the slideshow is over the audio doesnt stop it just keeps going and going how to you get the movie to cut off at a certain point (after the pictures stop showing)

and also,for my best friend,i wan to make a slideshow of like a bunch of pictures and stuff of us and make it all cool and stuff any suggestions on what to do/how to do it?!!?

sorry if i dont make sense just answer the best you can please!

Best answer:

Answer by Joy
You can learn it from…

–for best editing….

use windows movie maker (included in your windows machine)… it can help you make beautiful slideshow or video clip(e.g. mixing your songs with pictures/video/etc)…. then save it as video file such as wmv file format… finally upload.

or .. Just get those clips you want , save & convert them, and then mix/match with pix/sound/etc using windows movie maker to create new masterpieces….

this will help you…. Use ‘zillatube’. This is the easiest (and also the fastest) way.

Zillatube produces mpg/mp3 formats from youtube that are compatible with windows movie maker(or media player), and more.

It is very easy to download and convert videos. Then edit those converted mp3/mpg videos with windows movie maker… save your file as wmv and then upload.

It works very well….just google search for “zillatube”


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