How do I know what my wife is feeling towards me?
Question by Josh: How do I know what my wife is feeling towards me?
Me and my wife seperated 4 months ago, and she told me her feelings changed. We’ve been down that road 2 years ago, and I couldn’t say “I love you” without her getting mad about it. That is how she gets when her feelings change. I realized that she has been in a relationship since the seperation, and I don’t know if the guy has taken advantage of the situation, or if just happened. I have tried sending her messages telling her how I feel, and my feelings are harrassment to her. I got alittle frustrated with it and sent her friend an email because she won’t talk to me directly. It seems she plays it off like she doesn’t care, but when someone talks to her about me she gets “sad” as seen on her mood on her Myspace. She deleted and blocked me from Myspace with all of her ex boyfriends. I sent an email to one of her friends and that friend apparently told her what I said. I do know how easily she gets confused when she gets attention from other guys. All of this started when she became a waitress last year. It seems that she flirts way more than usual, and I do know when she lies to me. She hid a relationship from me, but anytime I talked to her about it, I just got excuses and an attitude from her. She said it was just a crush, but it seemed like she got completely attached to this guy. In the email I sent her friend, it said “She doesn’t know what she wants” and “I’m not going to feel sorry for her because things don’t work greatly for her” (I was drinking) and I think I mentioned that I knew about her boyfriend that I apparently was never supposed to know about, but I know the situation because when her feelings change, there is NO talking to her what-so-ever, and it means that she has another interest. I realized that she changed her name back on Myspace to her old one before we got married instead of keeping it as mine for so long. I heard that her status on her Facebook changed to “gonna try to watch a funny movie so I don’t think about things that make me upset” and I don’t know if the “Upset” means that she wanted me to be there for her when something goes wrong between her and her boyfriend and they break up. The attitude she has towards me when her feelings change is just unbelievable, its not what I expected of her. I try to talk to her, and she ignores it and says that I harrass her, and alot of people get involved in the situation. I don’t know if she has feelings for me, but she is playing it off, or if she doesn’t want to admit her mistakes to me directly. It seems as though she doesn’t want to sheat on her boyfriend with her husband, so she gets rid of her husband. It seemed that she had the same interest in this person the last few nights we were together, because she started talking to “Brett” and her boyfriends name is Brett, and there is a girl named Brett that works with her. She comes home one of the last few nights together with a flower and says it was from a girl named Jen at work. But I noticed she couldn’t spend much time with me at all after staying at work a few extra hours with her “friends”. I’m getting very frustrated after it being seperated for 4 months. She made the decision for divorce within 10 days of being seperated. I’m sure her family and friends talked her out of staying married to me because she couldn’t stop making sure everything was ok with her family and friends before doing anything with me, nothing stayed in the marriage. It seems that she is not thinking clearly, and hasn’t been thinking clearly since she graduated college in September. I don’t know what she is feeling, if she misses me, still wants to be with me behind all the attitude. But she isn’t making much sense, and I think she is being VERY stupid about it all.
Best answer:
Answer by olderbutwiser
Your wife is not interested in getting back together with you. She feels no more love for you. Accept it, and move on!
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