How do i make a movie on the computer?
Question by horselover531: How do i make a movie on the computer?
i want to make a movie on my computer as a present. what program should i use? how do i add music? How do i get video clips from/of horse movies, horse shows, horses in the paddock, etc…? how do i make the videos and pictures come and leave when i want them to? How can i put my own pictures and videos in the movie? how can i add cool looking text? Please list every step in as much detail ( that is relatively easy to understand) as possible.
Best answer:
Answer by PuFfy BrOwN RaBiT
If you have a windows computer then you already have a great program for making movies. It’s called Windows Movie Maker, look for it in your programs section where the start button is. As far as getting your clips together that can be a tough one you’d have to look for them online, and your pictures as well. Go to the link there is an overview on how to use the program and it can answer most of your technical questions. Good Luck
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