How do I make a sims 3 movie?
Question by Laura Kate: How do I make a sims 3 movie?
I’ve recorded all the clips and ive uploaded them from the launcher. Now what? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Care Bear
It is much, much easier if you go to your sims 3 game launcher, uploads and check just one video. Once you checked that video, click view file. It will bring you up to a screen with all of the videos. Once you are there, minimize that screen and open up windows movie maker. (Just click start and type in windows movie maker and you should be able to find it.) From their, just drag videos from that screen with all of the videos on it into windows movie maker and drop it in windows movie maker. You can now make a movie. You can add audio and everything. Its the same exact thing as the sims 3 movie maker except better.
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