How Do I Put Music On My Psp?


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PSP, we must understand that PSP do not accept all forms or formats of music file. Depending on the version of firmware your PSP is loaded. Early version of PSP firmware can only playback mp3 music format and it does not support playback of WMA and WMV audio files, making it less appreciable. However much later, firmware of PSP is able to playback WMA and WMV audio files. To do that on any early version, the PSP firmware needs to be upgraded to playback WMA and WMV audio files directly from PSP. And even if your PSP are able to playback WMA and WMV audio files I would not recommend because of its file size compare to mp3 format.

Generally mp3 music or audio file format takes up far less storage space compare to any audio or music file format. To convert any audio file format is relatively a simple task as lots of mp3 file format converter programs are already

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