How do you go about making a movie?
Question by Shopping Is Fun!: How do you go about making a movie?
If you have an idea for a new movie to be produced, how do you go about making it or getting your idea out there so someone can make it? Who do you contact?
Best answer:
Answer by Simon Connolly
Right well no one is going to take your idea and make a film. You need a script. If you want to make, or want someone else to make it then the first step is getting a script written. Start by writing a plot summary of everything that will happen in the film. Then take this summary and start your script. Remember that every page of a script is roughly one minute of film, so if you’re looking for a feature length film of 90 minutes then you need a 90 page script.
If you want someone else to make it then once you’ve finished your script send it to movie studios of local filmmakers. There is a good chance you’ll never hear from most of them but you might get lucky.
If you want to make it yourself then the first thing to do is a table read. Get some friends together and to read the script out together. This way you can hear what works and what doesn’t before filming. After this you need to get the cast. Hold audition, go to local film/drama groups and tell them you are holding an audition. Once it is cast you need your equipment. Camera, boom mic etc. Then it’s filming time. Make sure you have all your locations sorted out before you start filming. Once the whole thing is filmed and you’re happy with it you go into post production. You need to edit your film here. Final Cut Pro is the best editing software available and it makes editing relatively easy and quick. Then once its edited you have your film. But make sure if you use popular songs that you enquire about the rights to use it. Once all that is done it becomes about showing your film. There are film festivals all around the world that show amateur films and I would recommend that you send your finished project to as many of them as you can so people will see your film.
Hope I was able to help, good luck.
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