How do you make a movie?
Question by Zach: How do you make a movie?
When you first start out, how do filmmakers make a movie? Low budget of course, but how to do they get screen writers, actors, makeup people, even visual effects? or does one person do most of the work? Obviously clueless but want to know. thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Sasha
I was in the same position about half a year ago.
I study film at high school.
What I did:
1. Made up a story
2. Made a story board for it (in order – the shots and whats going to happen in them)
3. Location hunting (go look at the places u want 2 shoot 2 c if they a suitable, then if changes need to b made 4 the story board, make them)
4. Take a camera and a camera stand and shoot your film with ur actors.
It was my first shoot and you learn a lot.
it seems a big brash but theres nothing better than actually doing it and seeing if it works.
now i’m going to make another short film (the first was 2min long) this one will b 5mins and now i have more actual experience i know how 2 make it bttr.
Start with shorter films then make longer and longer ones – its the best way.
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