How do you put music onto your windows movie maker?

Question by Carley P: How do you put music onto your windows movie maker?
Ok so I want to make a slideshow on windows movie maker. I have all of the pictures on it so now i want to put music on it. I don’t have the music saved onto my computer because I don’t know how to. Can someone please tell me how to put music onto my computer and the steps. Or someone tell me how in general to put music onto the windows movie maker. Please Help!!!!! Thank You

Best answer:

Answer by Tom_neo
Put your music CD into your CD/DVD drive
Ctrl + I to import into collections. click on My Computer, click on the drive that the CD is in. click on the song you want , then on open.

Then drag and drop it into audio/music section of the storyboard.
Then set your audio level:)

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