How do you use Win Movie Maker?
Question by Max: How do you use Win Movie Maker?
Hi everyone,
I’m being assigned a homework to make a little history movie by using Window Movie Maker. I’ve never used it before and it seems that it’s a complicated program to use. So can someone help me out with the Movie Maker and how do you input pictures, videos, sounds and all kinds of stuff?
Thank you so much!
Best answer:
Answer by computerman
First off, I assume your using Windows XP.
To capture a Video click (on my computer it’s this) File>Capture Video. (I think on our old computer it was in the Tools menu.)
To input click File>Input into Collections, select the file(s) (Supported: Videos, Pictures, Audio Files & Movie Maker Collections).
Now that it has appeared in collection drag it over the storyboard (at the buttom).
Click Show Timeline to adjust the duration.
For more information click
Help>Help Topics>Contents>Windows Movie Maker
>Getting Started,
Or you may email me at
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