How To Build A Good Webiste?
Question by LEXO: How To Build A Good Webiste?
please take a look at this site; and then tell me, in what language it is written. Please suggest some books for me to learn from and just give me some pointers on where and how to start. I would like to make slick looking websites and then sell them. I also know a bit of flash, but I would like to start everything from the beginning (HTML, PHP, MySQL, Flash, Java Script, Joomla, etc.)
Thank you for all your help and effort, =D
If you have any more information fore me, please email me on;
Best answer:
Answer by Leo D
This Website is written in three languages. Although the DOCTYPE says XHTML1.1 there is a meta tag that declares the style language to be CSS (From what I can tell, CSS Level 1.) and there are many inline calls to JavaScript. Although, there are some errors in the XHTML 1.1: And the fact that it is designated as text/html means that it isn’t really XHTML. But you get the point =) It has multiple JavaScripts loaded via Script elements.
This Website has some good things and some bad things. But generally, it’s a bad idea to look at Web pages’ coding to learn HTML because HTML browsers are very forgiving when you commit mistakes, so they’ll let many of them go.
If you want to build a great Website, you mostly have to make sure you use HTML correctly and build an accessible and usable site. That will get you on the correct path =) To get started you might want to try HTML Dog.
Most Web standardistas will have free websites along with books for reference guides and trickier techniques. You already know some Flash which will be pretty useful. Although, to be honest, I haven’t got a chance to use it myself. I hope this helps!
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