How to get a Professional camera effect using Sony Vegas 9?
Question by HumanOFtheWeek: How to get a Professional camera effect using Sony Vegas 9?
is there an editing program out there that has one of those awesome effects that changes the lighting to make it look like a professional movie? like i was watching mythbusters and they had the same kind of camera and changed the effect and it looked like it was a pro movie.. so any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
I think you misunderstand how lighting works with motion picture and professional video.
The lighting is all done BEFORE the camera takes a single frame.
As far as mythbusters is concerned, you will have to email them and ask them about this new “magical” camera. My guess is you didn’t get the full skinny on this camera in their short segment.
If you want to approach the kind of video that looks pro, you will have to start with at least a 3-CCD video camera and learn how to light a scene, professionally.
As I recall, they use two or three of this type video camera when shooting everything but the segments where the blow things up and need a highspeed camera of some type
Their camera may be a JVC, Sony or Canon, but it produces broadcast quality video like this Panasonic on the link.
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