How to get professional like photographs?
Question by Random Questions Inc.: How to get professional like photographs?
Professional photographs have a strange warm glow, or appearance about them, that for some reason my camera can’t get. I don’t know if it’s the camera or the finalizing stage in photoshop that does it, but I would really like to know. I compare it to professional movies versus home movies. You can tell if a movie is a home movie by seeing it for just a few seconds, real movies have a similar glow, or finishing touch that make them look professional. How do I get this in photographs?? Thanks!!
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
It all has to do with using light and perfect exposure control … that is assumed that the composition is also spectacular
Pros do it all in the camera. To do that you need a certain level of education in photography and a lot of experience.
“A good photographer measures like an engineer, thinks like a philosopher and sees the world like a poet.” — from surfing the web.
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