How To Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Talking On The Telephone With Sellers
How To Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Talking On The Telephone With Sellers
Every single person in the world at one time or another has had a fear of something. Whether it is a fear of something physical such as spiders, heights, the dark and water, we all deal with fears. For some real estate investors the biggest fear that they run up against is the fear of talking on the telephone with sellers. They suffer from telephobia.
Telephobia is the fear of talking on the phone. As a real estate investor if you have this fear and anxiety of talking on the phone with sellers you must overcome it in order to be a successful real estate entrepreneur. Do you have a fear of talking on the telephone to sellers because you are afraid you may screw up? Forget what you had to say? Or get flat out rejected? If one of these fears describes your case. Then this is the best way to handle them.
If you fear being