How to get started selling real estate if you are a new Realtor


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be the new real estate agent that doesn’t know what they are talking about that just bothers everyone you know. I have known agents that got this reputation, and that is not what you want to do. So let’s talk about how to get prepared so you come across as professional, and actually get some clients from this.

Having a good call script is important. When calling people from your list, the first instinct is to usually make small talk, and then somewhere later in the conversation work in the fact that you sell real estate now. I am extremely against this approach. I feel that it cheapens the whole conversation, and once you start talking business, they feel like that is the only reason you were calling. And truthfully in most cases that is the only reason you were calling. I prefer an approach similar to this:

“Hello Bobby, this is “Your Name”. In case you haven’t

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