How to get started selling real estate if you are a new Realtor


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heard, I’m calling to really quickly let you know I am now in the real estate sales business. I’d appreciate if you could help me get the word out, I’m really passionate about this and things are going well! What is your take on our real estate market right now? (let them respond, and briefly respond back) I have a quick question for you. Out of everyone you know, who do you think would the next person that is most likely to think about buying or selling real estate for any reason? (let them respond) It would mean a lot to me if I could have your permission to contact them and see if I can be of any assistance. Would you feel comfortable helping me out by sharing their phone number with me?”

Of course you will want to use your own words to a certain extent, but notice how the questions are worded. Instead of asking if they know anyone that needs to sell right now, you

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